Research at Berkana Rehabilitation
Research is critical to advancing our profession and providing the best care for our clients. At Berkana we support, conduct, and disseminate leading, original research that improves the lives of persons with physical injuries and disabilities. Our research is focused on identifying the most effective treatment approaches as well as to develop rehabilitation technology that will help both clients and therapists.
Berkana works with Universities across the country as well as various local and national technology companies. On-going in house research provides Berkana therapists with relevant and timely outcomes data that can be immediately applied and to continually elevate the level of patient care delivered.
To find out more information about on-going studies, contact us at 970.797.2431 or
“I was diagnosed with having Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy in 2010. I joined the Neuropathy Association, read their literature and what I could find out about the disease on the internet. Nowhere could I find any possible treatment. In July 2012 Dr. Quick spoke at my Kiwanis Club. I asked if she could do anything for non-diabetic neuropathy. She said that she thought she could. At my first appointment she manipulated my right hip (even though I felt it was primarily a left leg problem) and I walked out of there in a way that I haven’t been able to for 3+ years. The tingling and numbness in my left leg decreased markedly. It returned a few days later but by repeating manipulations the next day, she restored me to my new positive situation. I am continuing to work with Dr. Quick, and she is having me work on muscle groups that have atrophied during the last 3+ years. Yes, it is far too early to declare victory, but I do suggest that this approach may have significant benefits for other patients with peripheral neuropathy.”